Get 'In Search of the Perfect Peach' now, our Founder Franco Fubini’s debut book



Giving everyone the tools to make more informed food choices.

Children drawing citrus at school

Class 5M drawing seasonal citrus | Woodmansterne School, London

Our 20 years of experience working directly with growers, chefs and home customers has given us unique insight into the most impactful ways to transform the food system. With this knowledge comes a responsibility to pass it on. We are giving everyone the power to make more informed food choices and forge a better future for our planet.

Repairing deep divisions

Human health and the health of our planet are fundamentally linked. However, their relationship has been severed. From the 1950s, intensive farming, convenience culture, fast food and curative rather than preventative medical systems all evolved. The result: people became cut off from nature and the origins of their food.

In 1960, 17% of disposable income was spent on food. Today it's just 10%.

We see this as a systemic de-education of the consumer. For us, education is the key to repairing the rift between food and culture. Our mission to transform the food system extends to helping people understand the true cost of food. Our message is simple: what is good for our health is also good for the planet.

“Educating the consumer will generate the necessary customer-driven demand that will ultimately re-shape the supply chain.”
Franco fubini, NATOORA ceo & founder


From industry dinners and brand collaborations to panel talks and school workshops, we're always looking for the most impactful ways to share our food system stories. Unpack our conversations and campaigns below.

Conversations & Campaigns

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Most of us form our relationship with food at school, but our education system is failing our future generations on two fronts. With food and nature learning absent from the curriculum as well as the cafeteria, children have little opportunity to develop habits that are better for their health and the planet.

Apples in a crate
At least 60% of secondary schools in the UK do not meet the School Food Standards and one in three children leave school overweight or obese.

As children who eat breakfast and lunch at school rely on school meals for half of their daily energy intake, the food served in our canteens can either contribute to the problem or be a monumental source for good.

Beyond the cafeteria, every child will inherit a planet with more frequent extreme weather events than ever before. They will live with the consequences of today’s choices, but food and nature learning are absent from the curriculum, meaning schools are failing to equip them.


By teaming up with schools, communities and youth organizations, we can help cultivate food systems knowledge and diverse, seasonal diets from an early age. While this is a deep issue in the US, at the moment, our team is working in the UK. This is the kind of work we would love to do in other regions we are working in. If you have any ideas or organizations you think we should work with, get in touch.

Jeremy Lee in school kitchen


Since October 2019 we have worked with Chefs in Schools in the UK — the charity transforming school lunches by training school cooks to meet restaurant standards, and training restaurant chefs to run school kitchens.

Today, we supply 15 London schools with fresh produce. Together, we are raising the daily standard and encouraging children to expect more from the food on their plate and to be more curious about where it comes from — more variety, better nutrition and remarkable flavor.

Jeremy Lee and Jake Taylor

Woodmansterne School, London

Children digging in soil at Greenside school


We have brought our Seasonality Matters workshops to four secondary schools spanning years 6 - 9. Our aim: to tie what's happening in Food Tech lessons to what's being made in the canteen by the Chefs in Schools chefs, to what's going on in the wider food system.

We also champion Greenside Primary School's Experiential Learning Model. Spearheaded by their Deputy Head, George Webber, Greenside has created a curriculum with nature and food at the center. Read our REACT report to hear from George on how the Greenside model can be replicated and molded to a school’s context.

Y6 sowing seeds

Greenside Primary School, London

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There are incredible academic institutions and individuals making waves in food systems research. From leading workshops and talks to supporting degrees and giving tours of our warehouses, we offer up first-hand supply chain knowledge to the people pioneering progress.

Our partners include the University of West London’s Gellar College of Hospitality & Tourism, NYU’s Stern School of Business and London branch, plus Dartington Trust's Schumacher College.

Clementine, Head of Education

Alma mill & bakery, London

We exist to fix the food system.

People are more cut off from the origins of their food than ever. This makes flavor, nutrition and farming practices that protect the planet, almost impossible to find.

By working directly with growers, we create a more sustainable way forward for farming. By giving everyone the tools to understand the power of our food choices, we empower everybody to become drivers of change.

Now is the time for action. Join the food system revolution.

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Go beyond four seasons

Each fruit and vegetable has its own season, with subtle shifts which happen every day. Follow their microseasons to unlock flavor at every stage.


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Know where your food comes from

We know the name of the person behind everything we source. Recognize their growing artistry to find out exactly where your food comes from (and why that matters).


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Make your diet diverse

Our growers work with varieties chosen for quality and nutrition, not yield. By selecting their crops you keep heritage seeds in play, add to ecosystem biodiversity and preserve unique flavors.


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