This recipe was created by Sasha Ariel, private chef and culinary consultant in Miami. Sasha is a chef who has deep knowledge of and relationships with the South Florida community of growers.
This dish highlights hyper seasonal south Florida ingredients: Roberto's Arugula. Roberto is a steward of the soil; he grows using minimal intervention and no chemicals — which translates to outstanding flavor in his vegetables.
In lieu of preserved lemons, Sasha took advantage of California citrus season using Minneola Tangelos, Heirloom Navel and Blood Oranges from Greg in Exeter, CA. The briny olives and sweetness from the most incredible raisins on this planet, from K&K Ranch bring the dish home.
For the Tagine:
1 Minneola Tangelo
1 Blood Orange
1 Heirloom Navel
1 bulb of Fennel
1/2 bunch of Parsley
1/2 bunch of Cilantro
3 Scallions
3 cloves of Garlic
4 bone in chicken legs
2-3 tbsp Belcari Olive Oil
1 tbsp Ras El Hanout
.5 tsp Harissa Pasta
1/4 cup Passata
2 cups chicken broth
2 tsp Red Wine Vinegar
1 tbsp Maple Syrup
10 - 15 Black Olives
1/4 cup K&K Mixed Raisins
For the Arugula pesto:
1lb Arugula
1/3 cup Belmont Salted Peanuts
1/3 cup Freddy Guys Hazelnut Oil
1/2 bunch of Cilantro
1/2 bunch of Parsley
1/2 Unwaxed Lemon
1/2 Gold Nugget Tangerine

For the Tagine prep:
1. Pat your chicken legs dry with paper towel, lightly salt both sides.
2. Slice a fennel into 8 chunks lengthwise keeping the root intact.
3. Slice your citrus, Save a few slices for garnishing at the end.
4. Chop 1/4 cup of cilantro stems separated, save leaves for later.
5. Chop 1/2 cup scallions.
6. Chop garlic.
7. Make your spice mix.
For cooking the Tagine:
1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Heat pan over medium high heat, add a little olive oil and sear chicken legs on both sides until golden brown, 3 minutes or so each side.
3. Remove chicken from pan and set aside, leave excess fat/oil in the plan.
4. Sear fennel pieces & citrus, remove from pan and set aside.
5. Add to pan: cilantro stems, scallions, garlic & sautee till fragrant.
6. Add spice blend and toast, add a little more olive oil if necessary.
7. Add, harissa, passata, maple syrup, and red wine vinegar, let this all come together and simmer for a few minutes.
8. Taste your sauce at this point to see if it needs a little more sweetness or adjusting, this will reduce a bit in the oven and get a little saltier as it cooks down with the olives.
9. Add your chicken stock and cook for 2 minutes until sauce starts to form.
10. Arrange your chicken legs back in the pan with the fennel & citrus.
11. Top with KK Raisins, olives, and parsley leaves
12. Cover with foil & Bake @ 350 for 1 hour.
13. Uncover and increase oven to 425 F and bake for another 20 minutes.
For the Arugula pesto:
1. Place peanuts, hazelnut oil, zest & juice of half the lemon, zest & juice of half the orange in processor, pulse to combine
2. Add the arugula in two batches to it all fits and blend and add the feta, just pulse a few times as to leave this a little chunky rather than super smooth.
3. Taste and adjust with salt, pepper, lemon as necessary
To finish:
Plate Tagine with sauce, top with cilantro and parsley leaves and serve with a dollop of Arugula pesto.

See allWe exist to fix the food system.
People are more cut off from the origins of their food than ever. This makes flavor, nutrition and farming practices that protect the planet, almost impossible to find.
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