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Auren’s Deli have been instrumental in helping us establish in Copenhagen, putting our hero produce not just on the shelves for customers to experiment with themselves but also on the menu. With co-owner Henry Stevens’ background in wine — Auren’s is the place to go for a reliably delicious and relaxed time, from breakfast through to dinner.

Here, Henry, uses Wet Garlic, baked until soft and sweet, with Tropea Onions and a strong cheddar to create a tart that is perfect for springtime lunches.

We source Wet Garlic from Fabrice in southwest France. In its ‘wet’ phase (which lasts up to eight weeks) the bulbs are larger and sweeter than their dried counterparts, with full cloves that are not yet separated by papery layers — ideal for confit or whole roasting.

Similarly, Tropea Onions are currently in their young phase; bulbs are brightly purple and skins not yet formed. Later in the season, when temperatures soar in Calabria, our grower Natale will switch to dry Tropea, laying the onions on the field exposed to the sun.

Split the work up for this recipe — the pastry and confit garlic can be made ahead of time. Henry suggests you serve it with a little salad and a spoonful of mustard or aioli (if you’re good friends with your guests!).



225g plain flour
5g salt
1 egg
150g (cold) unsalted butter

4 or 5 Wet Garlic Bulbs (enough to pack tightly in your chosen pan)
A handful of bay leaves
A handful of Fresh thyme sprigs
A sprig of rosemary
A pinch of salt
Up to 1 ltr of olive oil

6 eggs
200ml of double cream
150g strong cheddar

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Images with caption alt text


1. First make the pastry for the tart. In a wide bowl, measure out the flour and salt, then add the egg and grate over the butter. Gently combine all the ingredients until they form a dough and be careful not to overwork it. Put the dough into a disk shape, wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge for at least one hour.

2. Next, prepare the Wet Garlic. Chop off two thirds of the stem of each bulb, rinse well then pat dry.

3. Place the bulbs (stems up) in a heavy based casserole dish or saucepan (anything that can last in the oven), add the herbs and fill the dish with olive oil until the bulbs are fully submerged.

4. Bring to a high heat on the hob, then take off the heat, cover with a piece of parchment paper and close the pan with a tight fitting lid or tin foil. Bake in the oven for 55 minutes at 130°C, maybe a little more if they’re big bulbs. They should be soft when done.

5. Once cool enough to handle, chop the bottom off the bulbs and squeeze out the cloves into a bowl then mash them up. Reserve the garlic oil for a salad dressing or just for cooking with. Set aside.

6. Back to the pastry. Grease a 25cm tart tin and roll out the pastry to fit. Push it gently into shape and trim the edges by rolling your rolling pin over the top. Put it in the fridge until your oven is free again (if the garlic is still cooking), then blind bake it at 160°C for 15 minutes.

7. While the tart case is cooking, take a bunch of Tropea Onions and separate the tops from the bulbs. Save the tops for garnishing the tart later on. Thinly slice the bulbs and sweat them down with a sprig of thyme, a knob of butter and a glug of olive oil.

8. To make the filing, simply whisk together the eggs and cream, season well with salt and pepper, then grate through the cheddar.

9. Once the tart shell is cooked and cool, spread the Wet Garlic purée on the base, then evenly spread out the sweated Tropea Onions and pour over the filling, right to the brim. Very carefully transfer to the oven (still at 160°C) and bake for 40 minutes. You should get a soufflé effect as it browns on top. Once the filling is set and no longer jiggling, pull from the oven and leave to rest. Garnish with sliced onion tops and serve warm or at room temperature.


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