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Melon and prosciutto is an iconic dish. The cured ham has a fattiness that melts into the melon and enough savoury intensity to cut through its incredibly rich sugars. Inspired by this classic pairing, we’ve come up with three more ways to bring melons over to the savoury side.

Using Oscar’s Honey Moon, Sun Sweet and Sentinel Watermelon, these dishes are easy to prepare while bringing incredible flavour to the table. Find everything you need on the app.

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Sun Sweet, Stracciatella, Pan Fried Capers, Lemon


1 Sun Sweet Melon
500g stracciatella
80g capers
1 unwaxed lemon


This dish works particularly well at a BBQ, where you can char the melon over an open flame for a smoky taste. Failing that, simply sear the slices quickly on either side in a hot pan.

Spread the stracciatella liberally on a plate, season with sea salt then place the charred melon on top. Fry the capers in a very hot pan with olive oil, take off the heat, then squeeze half a lemon into the pan so it sizzles. Add a little more olive oil and season to taste.

Spoon the capers and their lemony dressing over the melon then finish with a seasonal leaf — the peppery flavour of nasturtium or rocket works well.

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Honey Moon, Pickled Baby Cucumber, Ponzu & Ginger


1 Honey Moon Melon
4 Baby Cucumbers
100ml ponzu *we use Marusho Champonzu
80g fresh ginger
Smoked Chilli Flakes *we use Daphnis & Chloe
Bi-Couloured Shiso


It’s best to pickle your cucumbers a couple of days in advance if possible, to really let them infuse. For a simple pickle, roughly chop the Baby Cucumbers into large chunks, then salt them and leave for half an hour to draw out the moisture.

Make a pickling liquor. As a general rule, you need approximately the same weight of liquid as the vegetables you seek to pickle. So, if you have a kilo of cucumbers, make a pickling liquor of 400g vinegar, 400g water, 80g sugar and 20g salt. Heat the water and dissolve the sugar and salt in it, then leave to cool before adding the vinegar. Pack the cucumber into a container, add any spices or herbs you want to infuse flavour (we use shiso) then pour the pickling liquor over them and seal.

When ready to plate, make the dressing by finely grating the ginger on a microplane, then combine with ponzu and extra virgin olive oil. Do this gradually, until you get the right balance of fresh, sour and salty flavour — try adding some pickling liquor for acidity. You want to make this dressing as close to the time of using as possible so that the ginger retains its bright quality.

Roughly chop the melon into chunks (similar in size to your cucumber), then add an equal amount of pickled cucumber. Chiffonade the shiso and combine all together with the dressing. Season with salt if necessary. Pile onto a plate and finish with smoked chilli flakes.

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Sentinel Watermelon, Feta, Lemon, Mint


Sentinel Watermelon
200g feta
2 unwaxed lemons
1 bunch of fresh mint
Watermelon, Frozen Feta, Lemon, Mint


This dish could not be simpler but it’s about getting the right ratio of ingredients. Cut thick slices of Sentinel Watermelon and liberally crumble feta on top, to cover the entire surface. Drizzle over some extra virgin olive oil then zest the lemons over the top. Next, chiffonade a generous amount of mint and pile it on top.

Serve very cold for something totally refreshing.


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We exist to fix the food system.

People are more cut off from the origins of their food than ever. This makes flavour, nutrition and farming practices that protect the planet, almost impossible to find.

By working directly with growers, we create a more sustainable way forward for farming. By giving everyone the tools to understand the power of our food choices, we empower everybody to become drivers of change.

Now is the time for action. Join the food system revolution.

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Go beyond four seasons

Each fruit and vegetable has its own season, with subtle shifts which happen every day. Follow their microseasons to unlock flavour at every stage.


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Know where your food comes from

We know the name of the people behind everything we source. Recognise their growing artistry to find out exactly where your food comes from (and why that matters).


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Make your diet diverse

Our growers work with varieties chosen for quality and nutrition, not yield. By selecting their crops you keep heritage seeds in play, add to ecosystem biodiversity and preserve unique flavours.