In Search of the Perfect Peach, our Founder Franco Fubini’s debut book out now



2 min read


tardivo risotto served in a cream risotto dish
tardivo radicchio and grumolo radicchio

These vibrant, bittersweet leaves are often reserved for salads and raw dishes but here, Stevie cooks them into a rich dark risotto, even using the root – a part that is often wasted – in his sofrito base and reserving the tips for a delicate garnish. The key to a good risotto? You want the mixture to be soft, so it moves as one on the plate and in the pan, rather than stodgy or soupy. All’onda [like a wave].


Serves 4


150g butter
1 red onion, finely chopped
1 heart of celery, finely chopped
A few sprigs of rosemary, finely chopped
25 chestnuts, peeled and roughly crushed
2 heads of Radicchio Tardivo
300g carnaroli risotto rice
300ml Valpolicella
2 litres of brown chicken stock
50g aged parmesan
100g Gorgonzola dolce

stevie chopping radicchio
tardivo radicchio being sliced on a board


1. In a wide heavy bottomed pan melt half of the butter with the onion and celery. Peel and finely slice the root of the tardivo and add to the pan. Season well with salt and pepper and cook on a low heat for around 40 minutes until completely sweet and soft, stirring occasionally.

2. While the base is cooking, finely chop the rest of the tardivo, separating a small handful of the tips and set aside.

3. Add the chestnuts to the pan and cook for another couple of minutes before adding the rice. Turn up the heat and stir until the rice starts to sizzle gently.

4. Now, add the wine and continue to stir until the rice has absorbed it and the pan is beginning to look dry. Add the stock ladle by ladle, as the rice absorbs it, stirring regularly. It should be bubbling gently, not boiling.

5. Once the rice is close to cooked but still retains a bite, add the finely chopped tardivo – save the tips for a fresh garnish. Cook for another few minutes until the grain is just al dente.

6. Remove from the heat and allow to sit and relax for a couple of minutes before finishing the risotto with the remaining butter and grated parmesan.

7. Adjust the thickness of the rice by adding a little hot stock until you get that soft, slightly flowy consistency.

8. Serve with a spoon of Gorgonzola, the remaining tips of tardivo and a drizzle of excellent olive oil.

red wine being poured in the risotto
pouring stock in the risotto


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Each fruit and vegetable has its own season, with subtle shifts which happen every day. Follow their microseasons to unlock flavour at every stage.


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