A bouquet of seasonal Radicchio from Veneto, Italy. Arranged by florist Kasia Borowiecka
250 million roses are grown each year for Valentine’s Day.
Roses are in bloom from mid-spring to fall. However, more are sold for Valentine’s Day than at any other time of year.
It’s time to retune to the seasons.
This year, give seasonal flowers — Camelia, Cyclamen, Winter Cherry Blossom — not roses. Or choose Radicchio.
Stems are imported from the Netherlands, Colombia, Ecuador, and Kenya, where large-scale monocultural plantations dominate.
Predominantly picked by a huge workforce of women who face more exploitative working conditions than their male counterparts and are paid below the living wage.
Grown intensively in greenhouses. Most are sprayed with chemicals and each stem requires 10 litres of water to reach full size. Once picked, they are artificially preserved in fridges and wrapped in plastic.
Wasted at end of life.
Grown in Veneto, Italy, where heritage varieties are naturally adapted to the region’s soils and climate and play an important role in cultural identity.
Growers use seeds and cultivation methods passed down the generations, helping to preserve cultural artistry on the brink of extinction.
Adapted to their growing region, plants are cultivated in open fields without the use of chemical sprays or fertilisers. Growers hold out for first frosts to harvest their crops, knowing that this is the key to vibrant, bittersweet heads.
Best braised, grilled or eaten raw.
Further reading
Society of American Florists
OEC, ”Cut Flowers”
NTAE, “New Harvests, Old Problems: Feeding the Global Supermarket”
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, A comparison of cut roses from Ecuador and the Netherlands
Architectural Review, War of the Roses: The Exploitation of the Flower Industry
Global News, Where Does Your Bouquet of Roses Come From
Solidarity Collective, The True Cost of Flowers
International Labour Rights Flowers
The Guardian, The Women Suffering for Your Valentine’s Day Flowers
Witness for Peace video on International Flower Workers’ Day
Vox, The Hidden Environmental Costs of Valentine’s Day
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