In Search of the Perfect Peach, our Founder Franco Fubini’s debut book out now.

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Leafy Citrus Selection

Our Leafy Citrus Box brightens up winter kitchens with a selection of the best-tasting citrus right now, from Italy's most renowned citrus regions. The fruits are always fresh – some still with their leaves – and unwaxed, and they represent the flavour highs of the season. Plus, £5 from every purchase goes towards our Farm Fund, raising up the next generation of agroecological growers.

In the box

Golden Nugget Mandarins, 800g

Seville, Spain


Kumquats - di Giarre, 300g

Catania, Sicily


Leafy Tarocco Oranges, 850g

Scordia, Sicily


Pomelo de Corse Grapefruit, 600g

North Corsica, France


Leafy Blood Oranges, 800g

Scordia, Sicily



No allergens present.

Use & Storage

Wash before use.
Keep refrigerated below 5°C.

We exist to fix the food system.

People are more cut off from the origins of their food than ever. This makes flavour, nutrition and farming practices that protect the planet, almost impossible to find.

By working directly with growers, we create a more sustainable way forward for farming. By giving everyone the tools to understand the power of our food choices, we empower everybody to become drivers of change.

Now is the time for action. Join the food system revolution.

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Go beyond four seasons

Each fruit and vegetable has its own season, with subtle shifts which happen every day. Follow their microseasons to unlock flavour at every stage.


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Know where your food comes from

We know the name of the people behind everything we source. Recognise their growing artistry to find out exactly where your food comes from (and why that matters).


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Make your diet diverse

Our growers work with varieties chosen for quality and nutrition, not yield. By selecting their crops you keep heritage seeds in play, add to ecosystem biodiversity and preserve unique flavours.